Requirements for Materials
Submission of materials: the texts of the reports must be sent to the e-mail address before September 15, 2024.
Requirements for the design of materials:
1. Materials no more than 5 pages in length are provided in electronic form.
2. The text is typed in the Word editor, font "Times New Roman", font size 12, line spacing - 1.0, margins - 2.0 cm.
3. The title of the materials - in capital letters, centered. Below, at one interval - the last name and initials of the author(s); under them the name of the organization, city, country, e-mail address.
4. Tabular and illustrative materials are given in the text. Tables must have headings and serial numbers. The maximum number of tables and illustrations is no more than 5.
5. Abbreviated words (Latin names of species, preparations, chemical compounds, etc.) are given in full at the first mention.
6. The list of references includes no more than 10 sources. Bibliography is given as used in the text.
7. The text is original and is not subject to editing.
8. Responsibility for scientific editing and the reliability of the factual material rests with the author(s).
9. The editorial board appointed by the conference organizing committee has the right not to allow manuscripts for publication that do not correspond to the profile of the conference, due to the lack of clarity and distinctness of the presentation of scientific materials, a large number of stylistic and grammatical errors.