Structure of the institute

The Institute includes 6 main laboratories, 5 departments and 5 research and production centers [11]:



·        Theriology laboratory;

·        Ornithology and Herpetology Laboratory;

·        Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology;

·        Laboratory of Entomology and Arachnology;

·        Parasitology laboratory;

·        Paleozoology Laboratory.


·        Department of GIS Technologies and Space Sensing,

·        Department of Molecular Research Methods of Animals,

·        Department of ex-situ conservation of animal germplasm,

·        Department of animal collection funds,

·        Department of Information Technology and Patent Science.


·        Animal tagging center,

·        Snow Leopard Research Center,

·        Center for Cadastre and Animal Registration,

·        Center for the identification of animals and zoological services,

·        Center for training and popularization of zoology.